Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cycling on roundabouts and other such extreme sports

I attended a cycling safety training course this morning and then almost got squashed under a car while cycling home, because I didn't look over my shoulder on a roundabout - how beautifully ironic that would have been! I cycled for about 3 hours in total, with some breaks, which is the longest I have cycled and I didn't keel over at any point so yay me I say! :)

I'm also having more fun than I ever imagined possible with the uklele - I'm playing a few songs now already and trying to improve my strumming and that. I'm not very co-ordinated, I'm quite clumsy actually so I tend to lose the rhythm of the strumming very quickly once I start singing along. However, I'm having so much fun while learning it doesn't really matter! :D

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